Fused Silicaware / Quartzware
Fused Silicaware / Quartzware
Infusil - Bhanu Scientific
Fused Silicaware / Quartzware

Fused Silica/Quartz is completely unaffected by all halogens and acids regardless of temperature or concentration with the exception of hydro-fluoric and phosphoric acid. The latter affects fused silica only at high temperatures and it is possible, therefore to concentrate phosphoric acid successfully in silica vessels. For all ordinary purposes they can be used with phosphoric acid.

Sulphuric, Nitric and Hydrochloric acids or any mixture of these acids, such as acquaregia, have no action on Infusil even at temperatures upto 1000ºC.

Strong alkalies react with Infusil. In many instances even where a certain degree of chemical action occurs, good service may be obtained by cleaning Infusil ware regularly.

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